We help our donors build legacy endowments and partner with nonprofits to address needs through grantmaking. Annually, we distribute over $1 million in grants and scholarships annually to the Brown County community!


We serve as a vehicle for donors, volunteers, and community members to identify important issues, share ideas, and build financial resources to make positive long-term change.


Branches Bulletin

When you subscribe to our monthly enewsletter, you will be kept current on how we’re imagining a better tomorrow for our community through philanthropy – through you! We will share updates on current events, scholarships, grants, and so much more. Sign up today and stay up to date about your community foundation.  You can view prior issues of our email newsletter by visiting this link.


News / Blog

Lilly Endowment Continues its Community Foundation Initiative Lilly Endowment Inc. is launching the eighth phase of its Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) initiative, allocating up to $210 million to help Indiana community foundations strengthen the quality of life in the towns, cities and counties......

Giving monthly will help our organization do more good, but your day-to-day life will largely go unchanged. You can spread your gift over the course of the year when you switch from a one-time donation to a recurring monthly gift. When you join Brown County......

Janet and Terry Norman recently established the Norman Family Scholarship to benefit Brown County students pursuing further education in a variety of ways.  From four year degrees to vocational skills, Mark and Terry feel it is important to support this need in our community.  Janet......

Donations to this fund will continue to assist local social service agencies, healthcare organizations, food service organizations, and emergency responders to address needs of personal protective gear, equipment, or supplies; support for communications or public awareness campaigns; and funding for other operational and emergency needs.......


Community Plans


The community’s Vision 2020 plan was revised in August 2014, now known as “Leading Brown County.”

Brown County Vision 2020: A Vision for the Future is a publication that was created in 2009 from a community planning process that included input from over 500 county residents. The planning process was led by a partnership between the League of Women Voters, the Brown County Partnership, the Purdue Extension, and the Brown County government. The nine focus areas that were assess and covered by this report include: Community and Economic Development, Infrastructure, Environment, Family and Services, Health, Safety, Arts and History, Education, and Housing.


In 2007, the Brown County Community Foundation and the Brown County Partnership conducted a Needs and Assets Assessment (click here to view the assessment survey results summary) to help guide its decisions regarding the prioritization of financial and other institutional resources. The assessment was also meant to provide information that could be used by other local groups when prioritizing services, preparing grant proposals, developing further research, etc. The information gather about the community could also be used by local decision makers as they plan and implement strategies and projects. The 2007 assessment efforts resulted in the creation of The 2008 Brown County Needs Assessment


To view a full copy of the 2008 Assessment, please visit the BCCF office. The information that was revealed through this assessment inspired another large effort from community leaders to create a vision plan for the future.


Heritage in Brown County

A Report Prepared for Peaceful Valley Heritage, Inc.
Prepared by James A. Glass, Ph.D., Historic Preservation & Heritage Consulting LLC
FINAL/May 8, 2015

In December, 2014, Peaceful Valley Heritage, Inc. hired James Glass of Historic Preservation and Heritage Consulting LLC to conduct a study of heritage in Brown County. The study was to be based on three sources: (a) interviews with residents who were knowledgeable about local heritage, (b) historical research, and (c) a field survey of existing properties of potential historical importance. It was also to include an assessment of the design characteristics of Old Town Nashville.