The ONE committee creates and maintains capacity-building programs, education, and resources for Brown County nonprofits to enhance nonprofit sustainability and effectiveness.
This list will be updated annually with articles and resources. If you have a suggestions, comments, or concerns, please visit the contact us section of our site to share your feedback.
Treasurers of All-Volunteer Organizations: Eight Key Responsibilities
Covers the responsibility of Treasurers, including checks/balances, tax reporting, risk management, donor acknowledgement , budgeting, and succession planning. A great overview of the basics that every Treasurer should know. I know Sue is covering Finance, but I liked this one. Could also be used to create board member job descriptions.
Absent the Audit: How Small Nonprofits Can Demonstrate Accountability Without One
Oractical advice for small community-based nonprofits whose volume of financial activity does not warrant a staff accountant or annual audit – big emphasis on prioritizing financial literacy at the staff and board levels
Nonprofit Audit Guide
A step by step guide that covers the tools NFPs need for successful independent audits, everything from why you conduct an audit, to how you select an auditor, and the process you need to prepare for
Responsibilities of a not-for-profit board member
Developed by BoardEffect. It provides a concise description of the ‘top 10’ duties of Nonprofit Board Members that is a useful resource to help boards understand their responsibilities.
Evaluating the executive director/CEO
Developed by blue avocado. It provides guidance on the why, who, and how to for evaluation that includes a template that identifies criteria that includes organizational performance, community leadership, administration, HR, financial sustainability, and work with the board.
Succession planning for the not-for-profit board chair
The board chair is a pivotal role for both the board and the organization. The board chair sets the tone for leadership and accountability and can move the organization forward or leave it to muddle through. This 8-page white-paper guide provides great insights for a new or long-term board chair.
What Governance Policies Should Your Nonprofits Have
This brief article gives you a quick overview and points you to resources for examples and templates you can adapt to your organization.
Building a High Impact Board
This resource provides a detailed look at the board recruitment process and provides several steps and tips to recruit effectively.
The Brown County Community Foundation (BCCF) in Indiana supports diversity and equity in the community through grants, scholarships, and collaboration with other organizations.
An executive director’s guide to financial leadership.
Though most not-for-profits have a bookkeeper or account who handles the day-to-day recordkeeping, the executive director/CEO plays a critical role in fully grasping the organization’s financial status and keeping the board informed.
Serving as treasurer when there isn’t staff.
In very small not-for-profits, the bookkeeping and check writing roles can fall to a volunteer treasurer. This article provides a great job description and outline for a current treasurer or that a gracious financially-minded person who has agreed to become your next treasurer (2010)
P&L vs Balance Sheet.
Both involve a company’s finances, but their differences are significant.
P&L vs Balance Sheet. Both involve a company’s finances, but their differences are significant.
Thanking Your Donors: What We’ve Got Here Is a Failure to Communicate
Special Love for First-time Donors: Donor Gratitude
Anatomy of a “Thank You” Letter: Donor Gratitude
Charity gaming/raffles require registration with the State of Indiana
Though not-for-profits can host fundraising events centered around activities like bingo and raffles, the state does require registration and licensing.
Improve donor retention just 10% to dramatically improve your fundraising results
Imagine what it would mean to your mission if you doubled the lifetime value of all of your current supporters.
13 tips to write better fundraising appeals
Terrific reminders when it is time to write that next letter or appeal.
Mistakes that will sink your fundraising efforts.
There are many rules and guidelines that industry pros have learned through expensive testing and their own mistakes. Learn about 5 key mistakes that could be harmful to your fundraising efforts.
How to Write a Donation Appeal in 5 Steps
This resource not only includes 5 steps to writing a great donation ask, but also a worksheet and an editing checklist.
Grant research list
Here is a broad overview of websites and services you can access to learn more about foundation and government grants that could be applicable to your organization.
Indiana Grants and Foundations
A list of the latest Indiana grants and foundations.
Grant Writing, The Right Way: Keys to Maximizing Results and Funding
Considerations when hiring your next not-for-profit staff leader
What are the most important skills your new staff leader needs? Is it to know the neighborhood? Is it a winning personality? This article outlines three key characteristics and why they matter for many not-for-profit leaders.
Financial Transparency and Public Disclosure Requirements
Covers mandated public/IRS disclosures and provides 12 additional ways NFPs can demonstrate transparency.
Nonprofit Organization Laws and Regulations – FAQs
Another broad overview of legal and compliance issues, including changes to bylaws/articles of incorporation, profitability, conflict of interest, and additional policies for consideration.
Dissolving a Nonprofit Corporation
Speaks for itself. a valuable step by step guide that outlines roles and responsibilities.
Steve Zimmerman wrote the book on the Sustainability Matrix tool that not-for-profits across the country have used to prioritize programs and help board, staff, and other stakeholders better understand organizational finances. His article, How Not-for-profits Can Manage Uncertainty Amid Crisis, overviews key financial steps plus provides a cashflow worksheet and the matrix-map tool.
Tool offers a detailed roadmap “for turning a good not-for-profit into a great one.” – Good to Great author Jim Collins. Consists of a 10- to 15-minute survey that produces an assessment of your organization’s performance in the seven essential areas of strategic leadership.
Find out why capacity building is important for the infrastructure of your not-for-profit. This resources provides several links to additional resources for leaders and grantmakers.
Guide to Fundraising
This guide includes a detailed pro’s and con’s list for ten different fundraising strategies.
Gift Acceptance Policies Preparing a gift acceptance policy can help mitigate any gifts that your nonprofit simply may not want to – or should not – accept.
(ex: gift range chart) from Fundraising for Small Nonprofits and Practical Major Gifts Strategies
33 Nonprofit Podcasts
If you want to expand your fundraising network, learn new strategies for digital outreach, or listen to how other nonprofits have climbed the ladder of success, all you need is a pair of good headphones.
101 Best Practices
101 Digital Marketing & Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits is a blog and webinar series (written and presented by Heather Mansfield) on website design, email marketing, online fundraising, and social media best practices for nonprofits, NGOs, and charities worldwide.
18 free marketing tools for not-for-profits
This is an inclusive list of resources and shortcuts that allow you to advance your marketing and communications efforts with a limited budget.