Please consider the following questions in your explanation:
1. Was the emergency caused by an increase in demand, a decrease in revenue, or both? Please explain.
2. On average, how many people are served by your organization per year and what, if any, change has occurred as a result of the economic crises?
3. How has this emergency directly affected the people you serve?
4. If revenue has decreased, have you or will you cut organization expenses? (i.e. operating expenses, program expenses, or both?)
5. Have you made plans to increase revenue in the coming year?
6. What other efforts have/will your Board made/make to address the emergency?
7. Other than cash on hand, does the organization have reserves? If so, please describe:
8. What will the Board do to ensure the future stability of the organization?
9. If you receive this funding, what will be the measurable impact on the people that you serve and/or your organization?: